Another digital creation for my Photoshop class. This is an aircraft director on the flight deck of the nuclear powered aircraft carrier USS John C. Stennis (CVN 74). I shot the photo on a Nikon D1 back in 2001, but I created the digitally colored file this week. I turned this into a grayscale image and then used a posterize affect in Photoshop to create my black detail. Then I inverted it to create a "negative" which I used to create clipping paths for coloring. If your not familiar with Adobe Photoshop this may all sound like jibberish, but I thought I'd include it for the techies. I kind of like it, but I don't know if it works...
I like it. a lot! =)
Nice one James! Killer graphic! I like the amount of detail still left in the photo, yet at the same time you managed to make it look hand painted. Wicked!
totally wicked.
i'm up. coz carrie and her drunk idiot bf and her drunk sister and the sister drunk bf just got home from the bar.
i think i'm ready to choke her now. can i? can i?
do you think being angry will make me a better photographer?
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