An old navy photographer friend of mine picked this little beauty up just the other day. This is a folding Mamiya 6 rangefinder. It shoots 6x6 frames on 120 format film, sports an Olympus Zuiko lens attached via bellows and features a focusing mechanism that moves the film plane instead of the lens... wow! Ain't technology grand?. All I can say is that 6cm X 6cm squares of actual film=mmm, mmm, good!

These remains are from an ancient people known as the Mocha. This particular artifact originated from the Iced tribe of Mochamen who inhabited the Seaward Avenue area of Pierpont around 10, 000 seconds ago. It's truly a fascinating find!

Mmm... Beer, if you chill it, they will come...

This poor fellow was forgotten during a Cinco de Mayo celebration. He was filled with booze and layed in wait to surprise the unsuspecting party goers with his generous, thirst quenching beverages. But, since he did not bring his watch into the closet, he lay in wait for the right moment to spring forth with tidings of Tequila and Triple sec for too long and emerged late the next afternoon. His dreams shattered, he now sits, an unbroken pinata, under a window in a sad lonely place known as the dining room. Sorrowfully, he wonders if he'll ever have the opportunity to be broken so that he may reach his destiny of spreading joy to those in need of a brew. Perhaps, someday he will find peace in the form of a blindfolded lush, brandishing a wiffle ball bat... Perhaps, someday...
yes, someday... we will brake him. but for now he'll just have to be our watch dog. we shall name him "Juan the Guard!"
by the way, you think my living room is sad and lonely place?
Juan the Guard should make him a little happier. He confessed to me during this photo shoot that some of the other Pinatas used to call him Pedro the Poodle because of his pink "fur", so renaming him will definitely help his self-esteem. As for your living room, I was talking metaphorically from a Pinata's perspective about the dining room. Your living room is quite cozy, but your dining room does seem a bit... "desolate," especially from a depressed Pinata's perspective. ;)
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