This is going to be the homepage of my new website! I'll be sure to post a link to it as soon as I get it up and running.

An interesting shadow and a window outside the camera store I frequent in Santa Barbara. I like this shot because it's a great example of breaking the rules. By that, I mean it was shot at mid-day with the sun high in the sky creating insanely harsh shadows on everything. Most photographers say, "don't even pull your camera out of the bag between the hours of 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. because the light sucks! You should only be shooting outside around sunup and sundown to get the
good lighting." Well... sometimes it pays to say the hell with the rest of 'em, I'm marching to the beat of my own drum! ;-)

A boy and a puppy in Venice Beach. I love the irony of how creepy this happy little scene turned out.

This is from a ride along I did with the Baltimore Police Department back in 2001. I was selected for the worldwide military photojournalism workshop in Fort Meade, Md. and my assignment was to do a ride along with the local police. The story didn't come out as well as I'd hoped, but I got some great single images from it and a great experience to learn from.

On a more serious note, I found this image while perusing through some old files for a website I'm working on and decided to dust it off and throw it up. This is a shot I grabbed without looking through the viewfinder, I was literally shooting from the hip. I shot this side of East 5th Street in L. A. while walking down the other side. Though this looks like a relatively deserted street, it's actually the heart of a several block area known as Skid Row. Thousands of people live on these streets with little or no shelter. There are Porta-Potty Brothels right next to heroin addicts shooting up on the street and regular stabbings to go with it. I've heard about this place before, but I never imagined that it was really that bad. It's truly a sobering experience to stand in the middle of a thriving, modern, city, and still be sourrounded by so much human suffering. And to think I didn't even have to leave the country to find it... wow, we are so much better than all those third world countries aren't we? Gee, I sure am glad I'm an enlightened American who was born into the land of prosperity so that I can persue the "American Dream" without having to worry about poverty and starvation like those poor people whose governments don't care about them. I mean, imagine what there living conditions must be like...
1 comment:
So now I check this at least daily because you had all these updates happening, but it's been a week with nothing. Update yo shat! Yeah, you're prob'ly busy with skool. Late, foo.
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