Saturday, September 01, 2007

Getting My "Photo"- Nerd On!

Here I am... it's two in the morning, I'm half blitzed and all I can think about is, "damn I need to post some images to my blog, myspace, model mayhem, lightstalkers, JPGmag..." and the list goes on and on. Of course, there's also the list of sites I haven't joined yet too! "When am I gonna stop procrastinating and setup a flickr account or upload images to my ASMP-LA profile?" Naturally, my current excuse revolves around my desire to design/create a logo and figure out what I'd like to shoot for a living before I start posting random images all over the place. Aggghhh! Why can't becoming a "successful creative professional" (industry mumbo jumbo) be simpler?

Alright, now that I'm finished whining I'll leave you with a few more from the trip to N. C. back in July. I still have quite a few images from that trip, so don't get tired of 'em just yet.

This was the first time my girlfriend had ever been to a Waffle House! All I can say is; "mmm, mmm, good."

My Aunt has a thing for Shelties, so she volunteers to keep rescues when they're found and don't have anywhere else to go.

My two Nephews!

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