Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Change. Show all posts

Sunday, June 01, 2008

So Long Folks... I'm Moving!

That's right, I'm going to "officially" stop posting to this blog starting today. Ye shouldn't fret though, I'm not done with my feeble attempts at blogging, I'm just moving this operation to a new link which is listed below, at right, and on the top banner. With the new link I'm hoping to do a better job by posting more often and hopefully adding some content that is actually interesting to attract more of you fine readers out there. Imagine that, a blog that is actually interesting to read! What will the world think of next?

Ok, back to my rambling explanation for why I'm going to continue this failed experiment I call a blog. You see, I've got a big website update in the works and I'm moving this little online diary in an attempt to make it more accessible to my potential clients. Hopefully, I'll also be able to turn it into a more useful tool in promoting my business. Though I'm sure I'll still be posting the occasional blabbering rant at 3 am, my goal is to make my posts a little more informative and, in turn, make my blog less of an online dump for random imagery. Who knows, I may actually post something of substance before it's all over.

Now, I'm sure your next question is, "Why not delete this ode to patheticism?" (sure it's a word) Well, I've decided not to delete this blog because whether I become a wildly successful (and famous) photographer or not, one day, I think it'll be interesting to look back on these thoughtless ramblings and chuckle at myself.
Alright, enough babbling. I'm off to a new blog, wish me luck!
"The Man" directs you to visit: Circles of Confusion