Saturday, December 30, 2006

A couple of shots from the Powercords' set before Gertie Fox's and some images from the floor

A few friends of mine are in a band, Gertie Fox...

And I decided to take a few shots during one of their shows at the Knitting Factory back in mid-December.

A few shots from a Event I shot earlier this month

I shot these on the patio at Holly's in Hollywood, Calif. It was sort of an impromptu, one light, location portrait session. I've been having a blast at all of these events I've been shooting, this particular one involved ex-pro-skater Chad Muska DJing in a small, but classy venue. Music, drinks, and admission all paid for, plus a paycheck... Good times!
The Vanguard, yet again...

The view from the upstairs VIP lounge

DJ Garth taming the mob

Just a random crowd shot that I think is interesting

Silhouettes on the dance floor

Sometimes other photographers ruin your shots, sometimes they don't

Go-Go Dancers Galore...

A few more shots from the Vangaurd show I photographed back in November.

Yes, I know these photos all have different color casts... I like to play in Camera RAW