Monday, February 20, 2006

Here's a few variations of a shot I did with my friend Tracy back in November. The assignment was to create a classic "Hollywood Glamour" style portrait. I think the top one fits the theme pretty well, with her looking aloof and snobbish, but I like the other two better. I've got a couple more from this series that I'll try to post as soon as I get a chance. But right now I gots-ta get some sleep, because tomorrow is going to be a long day in the studio... table top shooting galore!


Anonymous said...

OMG@!@# FINALLY! You finally posted some new work! I was goign to have to come down to Cali and beat you dude! The pics look great, I really like the top one of tracy in BW, it's really great. Great lighting and mood. Scan some of that 4x5 stuff, even at a low resolution or even on a flatbed and get it online! I wan to see some new stuff!

Sarirosanty said...

whatever! mine is better! hehehe...

nah, they look great! ok, so get off your but and post some of your buddha stuff!!! NOW!